What is real life like?

Find out what God's life in a human is really about...

John spent three years learning from Jesus, the author of life, about real human life. He wrote about it in his Gospel

Join a group of people from all over the world who want to find out more about what real life is from John. Make new friends who are living life filled with life and filled with Jesus!

We get to know people by spending time with them. We observe their actions, listen to their words, and notice how they treat others. Over time, we learn who they really are. John spent about three years with Jesus, and by writing this detailed account of Jesus’s life, John gave us the opportunity to decide for ourselves who Jesus was, and is, and what difference He makes to our lives. John had made up his mind. He believed that Jesus was the Creator, the Son of God, and God in flesh sent to redeem the world (see 1:3, 14; 3:16). Knowing Jesus had transformed John’s life. And John’s Gospel calls us to the same transformation. It allows us to see what John saw, feel what he felt, and believe what he believed.


Join us on Thursday August 10th 7pm UK time for this taster session

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Please note this session is run by young adults with a focus on young adults.
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