Eleanor Hearing

UK National Coordinator

Eleanor lives in Luton with her husband Richard and together they serve on the leadership team of their church, New Life Church, Dunstable. Eleanor is passionate about seeing people grow and mature in their walk with Jesus and has been involved in discipling and mentoring adults of all ages for the last 20 years. She has been part of the Luton CBS Group for 15 years and also leads the Luton team.

Alison Bagg

Chair of Trustees

Alison joined her first CBS group over 8 years ago and loved it.  So much so, that she now is our Chair of Trustees.

Dinah Ball

Regional Coordinator for the North West of England

Dinah has been involved in leading CBS classes in Cardiff for the past 10 years and since 2015 was Regional Coordinator for Wales along with her husband, Lathan. They have 3 grown up children and in June 2020 realised a long-held dream to move to the Lake District where they have settled in Kendal. Dinah plans to continue her work as Regional Coordinator for the North West and hopes to see God continue to impact lives through the study of His Word.

Karen Cunningham

CBS Online Coordinator

Jane Hutchinson

Regional Coordinator for the Midlands

Jane has been involved in CBS for 17 years, leading the Dunholme Group for 12 years. She lives in a village north of Lincoln, is a member of Threshold, an independent evangelical church, and works part-time in the University Library. She supports the groups in the Midlands area, particularly in Lincoln, and delivers national training for discussion group leaders. In her spare time she enjoys reading, swimming and walking with her husband.

Keith and Natasha Doughty

Regional Coordinators for Wales

Keith and Natasha embrace an interesting international heritage. Natasha was born in Siberia but came to faith in Canada, while Keith was born in Cardiff but met the Lord in South Africa. They have two adult children and one lovely son-in-law. CBS has been a part of their lives since 2009 and they have loved seeing the impact of studying God’s Word through CBS on so many lives. Their passion is to see many more classes established in Wales.

Bonnie Fletcher

Training Coordinator and Pastoral Care Lead

Bonnie’s mother, Lee Campbell, started CBS.  Bonnie helped start the international arm of CBS and she worked to develop the ministry for 7 years before she met husband Nick and they settled in the UK.  She has three adult children and a grandchild who is her delight.

Janet Morgan Phillips

Ambassador for Wales

Janet grew up in a Welsh settlement in upstate New York.  Janet and her husband John are the parents of two children and grandparents of five.  They live in Virginia, USA.  Janet comes to Wales 3 or 4 times a year for a few weeks each time to share CBS working with local CBS leaders to expand the work she pioneered.


Chair of Trustees: Alison Bagg

National Coordinator: Eleanor Hearing

Treasurer: Paul Hudson

Safeguarding Lead: Stuart Crossley

Richard Alvarez

Michelle Smith

Board of Reference

The Right Revd. Michael Baughen
The Right Revd. T. Wright OSB
Dr Steve Brady
Revd. Clive Calver
Dr R. T. Kendall
Fiona Castle
Angela Mills
Revd Stephen Gaukroger
The Revd Canon Dr Martyn Atkins

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