Prophecies of Future Events

The book of Revelation brings all human history to a dramatic and joyful conclusion. It describes the events that lead up to Jesus’s return and God’s permanent establishment of His kingdom on earth.

In the Bible’s first book, Genesis, we saw the first man and woman driven from the Garden of Eden. This final book ends with men and women back in paradise. God has made a way for them to be holy, righteous, and pure again. He has given them access to the river of life and the tree of life. For those who have been washed from sin through Jesus’s blood, the story of fallen Adam and Eve ends happily. Those whose names are found in the Lamb’s Book of Life will live forever in the glory of God’s presence.
Revelation begins and ends with Jesus, in all His glory and power. In chapter 1, Jesus appeared to the apostle John. He told John to write to seven churches in Asia (modern-day western Turkey). Jesus’s individual letters to those churches fill chapters 2–3. In these letters, Jesus assessed the spiritual condition of each church. He gave warning and encouragement to prepare the churches—and us—for the future. Chapters 4–19 describe God’s final judgments on this fallen world. Chapters 20–22 describe the glorious establishment of God’s kingdom that follows this judgment. These chapters remind us that no matter how bad things get, God is in control. He has a plan. And He will bring justice and peace.

