The books of Ruth and Esther both tell stories of ordinary people. Their stories were lived out against the backdrop of God’s character and work. Both books feature women as the main characters. Ruth and Esther endured difficult life experiences involving crisis and loss. The book of Ruth tells of Naomi and Ruth, a mother- and daughter-in-law. Naomi was a refugee from famine. She had not only buried her husband but also mourned the deaths of both of her grown sons. Her daughter-in-law, Ruth, was a young widow torn between leaving her country and home and losing her beloved in-law. As widows without a means of support, they both knew poverty, hardship, and uncertain futures. Esther also faced difficult circumstances. She had been displaced by war. She was a Jewish orphan. Because of her beauty, she had been drafted into a pagan king’s harem. Esther was forever denied a normal family life. While living in the palace, she was required to make a decision that could cost her life.