John’s Gospel: Come and See

We get to know people by spending time with them—observing their actions, listening to their words, and noticing how they treat others. The more time we spend with them, the more we learn who they really are. John spent a great deal of time with Jesus, and through John’s Gospel, he invited us to do the same. By writing this detailed account of Jesus’s life and ministry, John offered us the opportunity to decide for ourselves who Jesus was, and is, and what difference He makes to our lives. After walking with Jesus for a long while, John had made up his mind. He believed that Jesus was the Creator, the Son of God, and God in the flesh sent to save the world (see 1:3, 14; 3:16). John’s life had been transformed as he grasped these truths. John’s Gospel calls us to the same transformation. It puts us back in first-century Galilee and Judea. It allows us to see what John saw and feel what he felt. And as we read, we can experience on this earth the reality of living in God’s presence.